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University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

The Institute for Applied Sustainability to the Built Environment (ISAAC) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is the Swiss coordinating partner of the SmarterLabs project and is responsible for the Bellinzona Living Lab experiment.
Research at ISAAC covers the fields of local and regional energy planning, sustainable mobility, renewable energies (especially photovoltaics) and rational use of energy in buildings. Researchers of the “Sustainability and society” sector in particular focus on how to favour transition towards a more sustainable society regarding use of energy and natural resources.
Recent applied research related to SmarterLabs activities refers to participatory processes to foster energy sufficiency and sustainable lifestyles. In particular, ISAAC is now coordinating and managing two Living Lab projects aimed at understanding the effectiveness of ICT and smart technologies coupled with social interactions in fostering reductions in car use and in  households electricity consumptions.


Francesca Cellina 
Institute of Applied Sustainability of the Built Environment (ISAAC)
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
Campus Trevano
CH-6952 Canobbio
Tel.: +41 58 666 62 61/62 95
e-mail: francesca.cellina(at)supsi.ch

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