Due to the incidents in Brussels in March the Kick-Off Meeting had to be postponed, so it was from June 2nd to 3rd that the project members met each other for the first time. This gave chance to the participants to already present first results of the work done since March. While getting to know all partners and learn about their backgrounds, concrete deliverables and the further agenda setting of the project were elaborated on a detailed level leading to constructive discussions.
What became clear is that the consortium is manifold and the partners can bring in many different experiences and huge knowledge to the project. This makes it even more interesting to learn from each other and Brussels was a good starting point for that reason.
According to the project design, every project meeting takes place in one of the four partner cities (Bellinzona, Brussels, Graz, Maastricht) and is combined with a city exchange visit allowing to foster a mutual knowledge exchange. So, after the first day with intensive discussions in the location of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the second day focussed on a field trip into the city led by local experts who gave insights into current developments in relation to mobility governance and beyond.
Building up on the learnings from the Brussels meeting the next tasks are clear cut: In the coming months literature research will take place which will yield a report with contributions by all academic project partners. After that the retrospective analysis of urban mobility governance in the four cities will start, which will be further planned at the project meeting in Graz in October.
In the meantime dissemination activities are enforced: The project dissemination plan is already finalized (> Deliverables) and the website, the Facebook page and the newsletter are ready to communicate the project's progress to the the world!